Our life is like a drop of water in the indifferent ocean of infinity
Mind, body & soul
Meet Reverend Nicole
Rev Nicole Robbins “Nikki” is a third generation Los Angelina, felt the connection to the Divine at an early age. Having had multiple surgeries before age five, she appreciates the gift of life and understands how challenges can be our opportunities for growth. Rev. Nicole earned her Master of Spiritual Psychology, with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing, from the University of Santa Monica. Shortly after, she found a home at the Center Spiritual Living Granada Hills, where she earned her practitioners license. Enjoying Science of Mind classes, she decided to continue exploring our teachings at a deeper level. She completed ministerial school in the Fall 2020 and earned a second Master’s in Spiritual Leadership and Consciousness studies. Rev. Nicole continues to expand her spirituality, having completed the Sacred Art of Living and Dying program, as well as the Anamcara Apprenticeship program with Richard Groves in Bend, Oregon.
Rev Nicole was the Director of CSLGH Youth and Family Ministry before accepting the Assistant Minister position at Ahiah Center for Spiritual Living. Her passion is building community; giving people the opportunity to connect, to collaborate, to serve. She loves facilitating classes getting people together to express and discuss New Thought topics. Rev. Nicole enjoys working with the youth as she knows how Science of Mind practices and principles can change the lives of our children, tweens and teens. She is currently developing an after-school/weekend program. Her intention for this program is to allow children to experience a variety of ways to connect to their creativity. "We learn in different ways, but accessing our creativity is critical to true happiness and emotional intelligence, and quite honestly, can be a spiritual experience for the student. When we connect to music, art, language, metaphor and the joy of self-expression, it is amazing, healing and so much FUN!!! Dreams are like trees we need them to breathe.”
She volunteers for the Freedom to Choose Project, which runs workshops for incarcerated individuals, assisting them with self-forgiveness, releasing judgment and positive communication skills. In her professional life, she runs a successful tennis academy. Nicole enjoys working out, skiing and reading in her free time. Rev. Nicole is inspired to enjoy the preciousness of life based on her extensive personal experiences with death and the tragic aftermath of suicide. Follow her YouTube Channel, Spiritual Coach Nicole to hear her talks and Instagram Spiritual Coach Nicole to read her inspirational posts.
spiritual mind treatment
A Spiritual Mind Treatment is Affirmative Prayer
Affirmative Prayer is a powerful method for setting the Creative Process into motion. It is a direct, focused, and organized method using five steps to get to your desired outcome.
A ‘Treatment’ is not about convincing God to do something for us. It is becoming aware of the God presence within.
5 step treatment
Step 1: Recognition
We begin every Affirmative Prayer with the Recognition that there is One Life, and that Life is God.
Step 2: Unification
In Step 2, you unify your consciousness with this perfect Intelligence
Step 3: Realization
In Step 3 of your Affirmative Prayer, you want to Realize the qualities or attributes of God which you want to embrace within yourself–to call forth in your own awareness. These are the Divine qualities inherent within you which you want to become more conscious of. To realize is to make real
Step 4: Gratitide
Step 4 of your Affirmative Prayer is Thanksgiving. An attitude of gratitude is essential in establishing a new intention for our lives. In giving thanks, we are declaring that it is already done. We are grateful for knowing that it is already done in the Mind of God.
Step 5: Release
In Step 5, the Release step of your Affirmative Prayer, you let go and let God. You are turning your affirmative declaration of Truth entirely over to Infinite Love, Spirit, the Allness that is God. It is a very important step, because as long as you hold on to it, nothing can take place. Release is also an act of trust. You release your prayer trusting in the all good of God. You release it knowing that truly it is done